Now what I believe is from my experience and what I went through. You do not have to agree with me. Your , your own person and take away with what you feel is right. I can astral plane and visit the spirit realm any time I want. Now it did take some practice for me and everyone can do it. This is what I learned about Angels.. Angels are spiritual beings and are on many different planes of existence. They are normally very tall over 7 feet, most have wings and I say most because I have meet some that have taken their own wings off or had them taken off due to being bad. They also come in all types of colors and sexes some are both female and male. Just depends on what energy is stronger in you. They also have different shades of light.. some are really bright and hard to see and others you can just look at. Some who understand can shape shift too. There are what I call Universal Angels.. Now these belong to the Universe. They do not belong to a certain deity. They have no owner and answer to no one. Then there are what I call God Angels and they were created by that deity and serve him and only him. Then there are what I call Fallen Angels.. those that were cast out of Heaven for not doing what was told or questioned God. Then we have the Guardian Angels.. those are to protect human kind. Now any Angel just can't be a Universal or God Angel those come from the creators. Then there are different levels to each group.. just like school.. you enter knowing nothing and graduate to knowing what you need to. Now Guardian Angels can be any type of Angel. Universal, God, and Fallen. Depending on what you believe in is what kinda angel you have. Like mine. He started out a God one. God created him but mine questioned him on something and he was thrown out of heaven. He likes to question like me so we are a perfect fit. Not every Angel has a human too. Some just walk around and wait to help others out. Some higher angels like the Universal and Arch Angels have helpers..
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