Working with the dead since 2006. We are your spiritual connection between the worlds, threw our card readings, medium ship or other divination techniques. Here we will share our experiences and knowledge that we have gained while talking with clients and other spiritual being. No real names will be used without permission.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
My Fanny May
This was posted on my Facebook page back in October of 2012... I was just starting to channel spirits on the spirit realm..
Ok I just gotta say this. I LOVE that I can channel the other side now. Someone always told me wait until you can do what I can ... you wont like it. But so far I do not have a problem with it. I find it exciting to learn about the ghost stories and what they are in need of. LOVE my Fanny May!! Not sure what she is yet.. A guide or guardian or just someone who likes to help out. She shows herself to me and my bestie and oh boy comes out when she needs to. She came out full force yesterday at work when I was talking to my bestie on the phone. Everyone at work was looking at me weird because I was talking with a Southern Accent. I had to explain to them later what I was doing. I gotta tell ya I LOVE this women!! I could so see me and her being friends in real life. ha ha she says what you talking about we are friends now.. LOL I haven't got her whole story yet but I am working on it. I helped out some new friends today and yet again got a story of someone. Now Rebecca can be at peace and know that she isnt forgotten ..
~She came to me the first time when my best friend at that time had a question. She was kinda attached to both of us.. I have not seen her in awhile. I did really like her.. Wondering if I will see her once I get to the point of were I need to be. I do believe she was a HooDoo or VooDoo worker.
Ghost can be dumb....
This happened to me on January of this year 2016. Some ghosts do not understand that some of us humans can see , talk and hear them.. I just had to laugh at this and I have not seen them since..
Posted on Facebook.
I so love what I can do. I was standing in my kitchen making my coffee and then all of a sudden I hear two male voices around me, couldn't make out what they said but heard their voices. All of a sudden I felt real tired and heard one say.. "Don't worry she can't hear us and doesn't know what we are doing." They were feeding off my energy. I then said. "Think again buddy and if you don't stop I will let this one deal with the both of you." As I pointed to my lovely demon friend. "Holy shit she can see and hear us".. and then they turned to see my buddy standing next to me. "Oh hell no let's go.". I had to chuckle at them. See some ghosts don't change when they die. Dam punks. Sent my buddy to go follow them after to, to have a talk with them..
Ghosts were human once....
year around this time in all my pagan and witch groups I see the same
themed posts going around. While I understand that this is uncomfortable
for most people specially if this is their first year of Samhain you
need to realize because you have decided to walk this path you will see
more and more ghosts and spirts around this time. If you have worked
with spirits or called ghosts before they
will seek you. You have an energy about you that they are drawn to.
Every year since I could talk to them I make the same post about it. I
understand that not everyone can speak to them or see them like I can so
I pass along this message to all. Again I understand it maybe
unsettling to some of you and your loved ones please think about what
you want to do to get rid of these visitors. They were people at one
point. Treat them as you would treat any visitor you would have in your
home. This time of year those who can not normally walk about and visit
people or places can do so. It's a freedom for them. Think about it
this way. Imagine your locked in one room all year round but this month.
The door opens to your room and you are set free to go walk around and
explore knowing that when the time has passed you must return. Some don't
understand what is going on and are confused and go where they shouldn't
be. Before you banish them, block them, or send them away... think
about what I just wrote. I will say this again... treat them as you
would a human visitor that is lost and has come to your home. Ask them
what they want... or tell them this is the wrong place for them. They
will hear you and understand. If they bother you ask them to go away and
if not ask your Angel or guides to help them. This time of year is
always busy for the other side and me as well as I try to connect passed
ones to their loved ones. If you put up a bubble or block on your home
from spirits please remember that your loved ones won't be able to get
threw to visit you unless you have someone like me. This time of year is
about celebrating all your ancestors so don't stop them from coming to
visit. If you must feel the need to protect yourself and your loved ones
post your Angel or guides around you. Ask them to not let anything
harmful in to you or other spirits . Please pass this message around to
other groups or share on your page.. this message should get out.
Ghost Activity at the DV Shelter..
These things happened back in April of 2014... This is from my Facebook page..
Ok since I have a few moments I so want to share what has been going on here. WOW is this place active. I have meet five nice ghosts and one not so very nice... Downstairs there is an older Mexican lady here who checks on all the little kiddies..
Another women named Cassandra who was here as a client and then went back to her abuser who ended up killing her and now she feel she needs to stay here and help those who want to go back. She whispers in their ears NOT to do it. She does come and comfort me when I am sad about the baby going to daddy's.. Even checked on her for me one time.
Now upstairs its a bit different. There is a room with three little kids trapped inside. One girl (7) and her two brothers (4,5) they are confused why they are here and cant leave. When I look at the room I see a black line across the door .. They are trapped there. SOMEONE conjured them here and sealed them in the room. I am still trying to figure out why and who did this so I can undo it so they can leave.
There is also this very mean spirit upstairs. A security guy who used to work here. He used to protect us during the day but beat us at night. He used to meet some of his victims here and would date them after they left. One night one of the ladies put him in his finally resting place.. HERE!! He thought he beat her to death but he didnt and she ended up shooting him in the head with his own gun. Now he is stuck here and really nasty. He attacked me when I went up stairs. I didnt last long and had to leave.. The other day I was ready for him but man he still got to me.. Was so dizzy and had to leave. Trying to figure out how to get rid of him. HE is stopping me from finding the room the kids are in so I can set them free. There is a hole between the floors due to them fixing a light and now he growls at people on our floor. Many have heard him. HE can't come down as he is trapped up stairs. So I am trying to figure out things. I can not burn or use fire of any kind here. So I have to come up with other ideas..
~I never did find out who put those kids in the room.. All I know is that I was harassed after they thought I was doing witchcraft on the grounds and was told it was because someone else here did some black magic.. but now that I can look back I think it was more on the line I am studying now. VoodDoo or HooDoo. So far everyone is still there doing about their days.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
The Women in the hallway..

Two years ago I was living in a Domestic Violence Shelter. There was this women I would see walk the hallways at night. During an appointment with a worker there we happen to talk about ghosts because at that time I would ware my pentagram. This coworker confirmed what I had seen....this is what I wrote about her..
The ghost in the hallway who I call the "Lady in the hallway" told me her name this morning. She came into my room a few mins after I woke up to check on me. She sat on the end of my bed. Her name is Cassandra. She told me better days will come and that do not do what she did and protect my children. I told her thank you and I will. I also asked her if she wanted to be at peace finally and she said no she didnt. She wanted to stay here because it was safe and wanted to help those who were thinking about going back to their abuser. She whispers in their ears and prays they hear her. I told her well if you ever want to leave come find me and I will help her even when I am gone from here.....
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
What are Demons to me.
Now onto Demons.. Again this is my point of view and my experience. You do not have to agree with me just take away what you feel is right. I was thrown into the dark world by a friend when she used my powers to close a portal in the home I was living in. Once my hand touch that wall I saw them and they me. That was the point I believed in Demons. For a few months I was haunted and even attacked by them because they were mad at me for closing their door. My personal demon finally found me and started to protect me and like my Angel gave me an education. Just like Angels there are different kinds. Universal demons that belong to the Universe. Satan's demons ( or devil what ever other name you use for God's ultimate fallen angel) those demons born of negative things like murders, rapes, other nasty things, and those that are made by humans, and then Guardian Demons.. those who help guard us. Just like the Angels too they all have things to learn. Most demons make deals and use contracts. Most contracts can not be broken so you better be sure you know what your doing. Some are very powerful while others are not. Again just like any spiritual being if you respect them they will respect you and teach you things even offer to do things for you for no payment. Not all demons are bad some are good. Meaning they do good things to protect you or help you with something you need to do.
What are Angels to me..
Now what I believe is from my experience and what I went through. You do not have to agree with me. Your , your own person and take away with what you feel is right. I can astral plane and visit the spirit realm any time I want. Now it did take some practice for me and everyone can do it. This is what I learned about Angels.. Angels are spiritual beings and are on many different planes of existence. They are normally very tall over 7 feet, most have wings and I say most because I have meet some that have taken their own wings off or had them taken off due to being bad. They also come in all types of colors and sexes some are both female and male. Just depends on what energy is stronger in you. They also have different shades of light.. some are really bright and hard to see and others you can just look at. Some who understand can shape shift too. There are what I call Universal Angels.. Now these belong to the Universe. They do not belong to a certain deity. They have no owner and answer to no one. Then there are what I call God Angels and they were created by that deity and serve him and only him. Then there are what I call Fallen Angels.. those that were cast out of Heaven for not doing what was told or questioned God. Then we have the Guardian Angels.. those are to protect human kind. Now any Angel just can't be a Universal or God Angel those come from the creators. Then there are different levels to each group.. just like school.. you enter knowing nothing and graduate to knowing what you need to. Now Guardian Angels can be any type of Angel. Universal, God, and Fallen. Depending on what you believe in is what kinda angel you have. Like mine. He started out a God one. God created him but mine questioned him on something and he was thrown out of heaven. He likes to question like me so we are a perfect fit. Not every Angel has a human too. Some just walk around and wait to help others out. Some higher angels like the Universal and Arch Angels have helpers..